2013 NATE STAR Initiative

2013 NATE STAR Initiative Participants
Congratulations to the following 2013 NATE STAR Initiative participants:
Advanced Tower Services, Inc. | MUTI/Midwest Underground Technology, Inc. |
Advanced Wireless Solutions, Inc. | NDC Communications, LLC |
Alpine Tower & Technology | Nex-Tech Wireless |
ATG Communications, LLC | Nex-Tech, Inc. – Mobile Radio Div. |
Atlantic CommTech Corporation | Nsoro MasTec, LLC |
Bright Lighting, Inc. | Olympus Communications, Inc. |
BTE Management Group, LLC | Omega Development Company |
Cipov Enterprises, Inc. | Optima Network Services Inc. |
Clifton’s Tower Service, Inc. | OSO Met Tower Services |
D & H Builders, Inc. | Phoenix Tower Service, LLC |
D.Cunningham Communications Service LLC | Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. |
Deerfield Construction Group, Inc. | Property & Technical Services Ltd |
DESIGN Telecommunications | R & M Electrical Telecom/Maint., Inc. |
Dietz Brothers, Inc. | Radiofrequency Safety International (RSI) |
Diversified Communications Services | RIO Steel & Tower, Ltd. |
Doty Moore Tower Services LLC | SAC Wireless LLC |
E.M. Enterprises General Contractors, Inc. | SAI Communications |
Eastern Communications, Inc. | Shenandoah Tower Service, Ltd. |
EasTex Tower, Inc. | SiteMaster, Inc. |
Elexco, Inc. | Sky Jack Communications |
Elite Telecom Tower, Inc. | Southern Broadcast Services, LLC |
Emergency Radio Service, Inc. | Speelman Electric, Inc. |
Enertech Resources, LLC | Stainless LLC |
ERI Installations, Inc. | Synergy Concepts, Inc. |
Excalibur Communications Inc. | Technical Solutions, LLC |
FDH, Inc. | The Hooker Company, Inc. |
Grapevine Solutions, Inc. | Timberline Construction Corporation |
Great Plains Towers | Tower 16, Inc. |
Green Mountain Communications, Inc. | Tower Access Group |
Herca Telecomm Services, Inc. | Tower Inspection, Inc. |
Hightower Communications, Inc. | Tower Systems, Inc. |
Industrial Communications, LLC | Tower Technologies, LLC |
Integrated Installations, Inc. | TowerMRL, Inc. |
JBL Electric Inc. | Towers Unlimited |
JT Tower Service | Train’s Towers, Inc. |
Lee Antenna & Line Service, Inc. | Tri State Tower, Inc. |
Legacy Telecommunications, Inc. | Tricom Telecoms Pty Ltd |
Long Wave Inc. | Trillium Development, Inc. |
Lowe-North Construction, Inc. | Trusty Construction, LLC |
Mercury Communication, Inc. | United States Tower Services, LTD |
Mid Atlantic Contracting, Inc. | US Tower Services, Inc. |
MIKAB Corporation | Vertical Limit Construction Services, LLC |
MillerCo, Inc. | Wireless Horizon |
Mountain Valley Tower Service, Inc. | Wireless Infrastructure Services |
Murphy Tower Services, LLC |
All of these companies who remain NATE members in good standing will be recognized as participants in the NATE STAR Initiative through September 30, 2013. The NATE STAR Initiative was designed to help companies operate safely while recognizing tower erectors who voluntarily adhere to higher standards. The NATE STAR Initiative emphasizes Safety, Training, Accountability and Reliability by asking participants to commit to requisite levels of training, site safety audits and the implementation of safety programs while adhering to industry best practices.
“NATE is excited to see the continued growth of the STAR Initiative program”, said NATE Executive Director Todd Schlekeway. “ I would like to congratulate the NATE member companies who have elected to participate in the program in 2013. With as busy as the tower construction and maintenance industry is going to be over the next several years, the STAR Initiative program participants will be industry leaders in ensuring that a culture of safety permeates industry wide.”
Again, congratulations to the 2013 STAR members. Your participation in this program demonstrates your willingness to continue to drive industry safety to new heights. If you have any questions regarding the NATE STAR Initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Shelly Trego, NATE Sr. Staff Associate at shelly@natehome.com or 888-882-5865 (U.S.) or 605-882-5865.